A Modern Android Project

efe budak
2 min readOct 13, 2019
Modern Android

I have been using MVP for my projects for a long time. I like its control over the view layer and it is also super simple to write unit tests for the presenter layer.

On the other hand, I’m really into the MVVM for its reactiveness. On top of that with the help of the android jetpack architecture components, it is not so hard to have a clean architecture.

All these reasons on my mind I created a project to see what an android project would look like with the latest and fanciest approaches and libraries. I know that there are (and always will be) space for improvement but I’m also happy about the result of combinations that I made.


Kotlin: I don’t see a reason to explain this.

Coroutines: I wanted to see if it works and seen as it is promised. No more callback hells!

Koin: It is simple! Its performance is also pretty good on small/mid size projects especially after version 2.0.

Navigation: It works with single activity approach very well.

Retrofit: Retrofit 2.6.0 or newer versions has a build-in suspend support. What else is needed?!

ViewModel: No need to stress about device rotations any more.

